Mindgardens: Keeping the Co in Co-Design

Mindgardens Neuroscience Network is hosting workshops in November focused on professional development in Ethics in Lived Experience Research, Co-Design, and Implementation Science.

Mindgardens Neuroscience Network is running a series of workshops throughout November. These workshop are a great way to build on your professional development in the areas of  Ethic in Lived Experience Research, Co-Design and Implementation Science. 

Online Workshop: Keeping the Co in Co-Design

This two-session workshop presents an introduction to co-design theory, practice and methods. It aims to develop individual and/or organisational capability to engage in co-designed projects with people who experience mental health, drug and alcohol or neurological disorders.

The workshop is open to people working in a lived experience, clinical and/or research role.

Note: Attendance requires that you are able to attend both sessions.

Places are limited, register to attend.

For information contact the MindLabs Team at mindlabs@mindgardens.org.au

These events are supported by Mindgardens Neuroscience Network